
Europe is more than a mere treaty or chart: People-Regions-Economy……………Behind the closing-door of Ireland to Lisbon proposals, recently joined by Poland, we consider we have to return to sources: Iberian background could set up as example to thought´s way. This is why we reproduce this article published in 2005 and concerning new members

EUROPE´S NEW MEMBERS: Iberian experience

1.- Spanish State  in Iberian Peninsula was not accepted as a member of European Union before 1986, because of a more than a doubtfull democratic political situation. Nevertheless, in fact, political refugees and emigrants to France, Germany, etc.(more than 3 millions) as a result of civil war and fascist dictatorship, benefited and contributed to spanish european developpement and adjustment by sending revenues and rents to their families long before 1986. This is why Iberian people used to say:"We are members of the European Community long before"Spanish State" entrance was allowed by Europeans authorities".

2.- Consequently, economical adjustments and adaptation to European whole interests was a matter of increasing what was done: Suppression of agricultural excess production, not according to powerfull French and German ones. Same suppression towards naval and steel industries, and other. But, condemning and boarding up a big part of Iberian economy  to tourism, polluted car´s industries and some other industries using cheap and non-technological knowledge manpower working in. In fact, strongest and oldest european member economies determined and forced the whole economies and production of new members. Nevertheless, it should be not correct  to say that integrating to European Community has represented neither economical slowness nor fiasco. Benefits of integrating are more than evident: Economical and monetarian equalizing. And, anyway, "European Select Club"has never been interested in european "benefits of disaster"as former wild capitalism was, but in defending their situation of dominating and priviledged countries coming from Cold War "status quo"  that never changed in West Europe.

3.- In my opinion, and particularly concerning the self-named "Spanish State", integration to Europe benefits, have been political: As a result of becoming a member  of European Community, return back to"typical fascist and authoritarian spanish state"has become impossible: A certain democratie and democratic achievements for people and Iberian Nationalities are today got and achieved. But as it is said, History never ends. Most important problems of the European Community today, are: 1/ Integrating new central and east european countries. 2/ A new agricultural policy. 3/ Sharing power among equal nationalities members and not only equal citizens. That means NOT erasing regions and nationalities as some "Club leaders"are trying to do. 4.- A new definition of Regions and nationalities apart from" old central States".

                                        written&published by 
                                                          Adolphe J. B. Sánchez (sociologist)/Nòo-North EU monthly journal. 2005

                              ABS.-Estudios socioeconómicos 

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Interested in social and political questions and particularly in women liberation and people´s self determination right around the world. Master in Social Sciences: Paris V. Sorbonne.......Sciences, Human Rights, Historical Memory, Oriental culture, Languages: French and English, Music, Travel, etc..........
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